Sunday 22 April 2012

Winter is coming...

The Melburnian coldsnap is definitely on its way -  and as I have now caught my SECOND cold this Autumn I quickly came to thinking that the ONLY solution is a big fat WOOLLY blanket, complete with the predisposition to fatten oneself for hibernation on bowls of Pumpkin Soup and an endless supply of Tea.

 Here's the first of many granny squares to come (I'll need around FORTY for the blanket), which uses only recycled yarns, that I have purchased from op shops, jumble sales or re-claimed from old garments.  I do just LOVE working with materials this way, NEVER knowing what i'll turn up in the next op shop, it keeps it mysterious and makes for an interesting piece.

I must admit I keep having visions of this blanket, quite casually inviting me to snuggle under it and fall asleep on the couch infront of the TV.  After the cup of cocoa of course..

Ah, the things we associate with a good blanket - they really do have quite a presence in our lives when you think of it.

 From making forts and secret dens, to rolling up our siblings or being there to hide under, for relaxing on, to go camping with, to have picnics on and to wrap ourselves up in....blankets are always there.


  1. Sympathy coming over your way - I've just caught my first cold this year..Had to ring the opshop today and tell them I won't be in on Friday morning because apart from feeling lousy, I don't think the customers would appreciate being sneezed and coughed at when they come up to pay for their goodies.

    1. Oh goodness you poor thing! I hope you don't get too bad, take care Gina and rest well.

  2. I love the concept of your blog Asa-Marie...thanks for following mine.

    I hope you are feeling much better now. A hot lemon and honey drink with cinnamon and star anise always makes me feel a lot better when I'm coming down with a cold...and if you can face it a clove of garlic in it too which is supposed to be a natural antiviral. Oh and of course pumpkin soup and tea help too...!

    I totally agree with you about blankets they just conjure up happy cosy, toasty memories.
    I love that like my knitted sofa cover/pullover that you're making yours from recycled wool. I always seek it out in charity shops/car-boot and jumble sales but it's not so easy to find and so usually end up buying new...but I really respect you unravelling made up garments to re-use. It must be so difficult to unpick the stitching of the seems...well done you...

    Get well soon,

    1. Hi Deb, thanks so much for following my blog! I am so glad to hear you that you think it's a good's so hard to know whether an idea will take off.
      Oh I wish I had seen your lemon and star anise suggestion when i was still feeling ill! I would have jumped at that. I did eat lots of garlic though. God I love garlic.
      Yes that is true isn't it - sometimes there is quite a big dry spell with NO wool in the op shops at all...but then there's always handmade yarn or the recycled stuffs.
      But look seriously, sometimes, I don't make it through the seam. Either my energy or patience will ware out and I end up chopping it up and using small pieces for rag rugs and things...but hey - I'll take the praise anyway!
      Btw, LOVE your idea of stacking up cookbooks with a dessert section and just picking the sweet....I may just do that.

  3. No wool in opshops? If you are anywhere near Eltham, drop into the BSL - we had bags of the stuff a week or so ago, and I don't see it moving very quickly!

  4. Oh darn it! Isn't that always the way? Heaps of the things you use in the places that you never visit! Thanks anyway Gina
